this life ... by Laura
this life ... the podcast
This Life ... the podcast. Where do YOU end and someone else begins?

This Life ... the podcast. Where do YOU end and someone else begins?

Sometimes we forget where we end and where someone else begins.

This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend last week while making dinner. Boundaries, Love, and just a dash of insanity. The good kind.

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this life ... by Laura
this life ... the podcast
From my little house in the jungle of Mexico, with cows and birds and god knows what in the background, we talk about life's funny parts, its tragic parts, and - a lot - its magic parts.
We talk about our courage as humans, our oddness, vulnerability, and badassness.
Often sparked by questions sent to me by my supporters and sometimes joined by some magnificent people I love or meet along the way.
And because I can't help myself, I also share some super great tools to ride this magnificent life ... this life.
All of it with an accent that's here to stay.